Just in case any of you had forgotten what our boy looks like and what he does best here he is relaxing, which is really a big part of his day!
Our vet has told us to keep an eye on his weight and although he has lost a bit of weight from 5.8 kg to 5.49 kg we do keep an eye on his treats to ensure he doesn't reach 6.0 kg which means Weight Watchers for Tino. This photo unfortunately doesn't do him any favours and does make him look quite a chunky boy. The French Lops, are by nature very lazy and happy to do nothing, which we have to say is his favourite activity! However, on the plus side it does make him a very cuddly rabbit which we love. If a fat rabbit turns up in bunny camp, I usually tell the owners off, in a polite way of course and lock Tino in a cupboard!!! Seriously, if he does put on any more weight he will be on a diet but at the moment our vet has said he is fine.