Monday, 27 February 2012


Harley has settled well now with us and he is already our best friend.  Here are a couple of photos of him relaxing in our kitchen.  He is staying in our upstairs bunny room but we thought we would bring him down so that he had a bit more company.  He loves attention and will lie for ages if you stroke and fuss him.

Thursday, 23 February 2012


Harley arrived today and he has settled in very well.  He is staying in our upstairs bunny room as he is rather large being a British Giant.  He is an older bun, 5 years and although he should be quite a sleepy head has been very active since his arrival.  This activity includes grabbing my leg and hanging on to it as I am trying to walk around feeding the other buns.  He is quite a character and we are looking forward to getting to know him although he has certainly got to know my leg very quickly!

Spring is here

We decided to make a little spring garden in the corner of our lawn but of course had to protect it from munching bunnies with some fencing.  So far none of them have worked how to get to the plants so I am hopeful they will continue to thrive.


Here is Luna a cute little mini lop who is staying for a few days.  She is very sweet and friendly.  We have been giving her lots of attention as she comes over to the wire to say hello and wants us to fuss her. 

Buff Puff & Primula

Here are Buff Puff & Primula having a little explore in our kitchen they are very shy and quite nervous but seemed to enjoy investigating the area.  Today as its been so sunny they had some time out doors on our patio area but it was a bit breezy so we got them back in again after a short spell.  Rabbits do not like their fur blowing around and they were a little bit spooked by it.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Last but not least for today's updates is Alfie the very loud piggy we have staying but hey he is just enthusiastic about his tea.  Alfie is a regular visitor to Blackberry Boarding and we look forward to seeing him.  Alfie goes home tomorrow and we shall miss his little furry face and of course is chatting away for his breakfast and tea.  Later this evening Alfie is having a nail trim which he is not keen on but after a while understands its just something he has to put up with.

Mags & Jessica

Here are Mags and Jessica (dutch) who are two visitors staying outdoors and both have settled very well.  They enjoy being out in their run and we have put them in one of our new bigger hutches and they have lots of room.  Both buns are very friendly and come up to the side of the run to say hello when they see us.  Might be something to do with food of course!

Honey & Raisin

Here are the two little girl piggies who Dylan has made friends with although I must say they are not so little both are very cuddly and really enjoy their food.  They are called "Teddies" and although their coats look quite rough they are very soft.   I am sure they would love to say hello to our two teddies, Wallace and Grommit but as we do not want any trouble in the camp, girls are upstairs and boys downstairs!


Here is some photos I took earlier of Dylan who has now settled in with us completely and is much more relaxed in my company.  She comes over for some fuss and loves the top of head head stroked.  She comes out daily to have some playtime and exercise in the bunny room and we have some guinea pigs staying and she seems quite interested in them.  The guinea pigs are very sweet and chatter away to her.

Tuesday, 7 February 2012


Dylan is enjoying her time out now in our bunny playroom, she has a ball which we put her food in and she loves chasing it around and bashing it with her paws to get the pieces of biscuit out.  The first couple of days she was a little bit out of her comfort zone as she is a single house bun and very often they do miss their owners.  She seems much better now and lets us fuss her and give her strokes.

Mocha & Lela Latte

We recently took on a young foster bun who seemed a bit lonely on his own so we managed to find him a new friend, a little dutch rabbit called Lela Latte!  Both are getting on great and they seem very happy.  Mocha has been on a bit of a diet and is now looking much slimmer so we are very pleased with him.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Dylan Settles In

No I am not going to turn round!

Ok you win?

Now I am going to have a little snooze
Dylan arrived a little bit earlier today due to all the snow we have been having.  She has settled well and is spending time investigating our upstairs bunny play room.  She is still quite nervous of us but we hope over the next few weeks we will get to know her better.