Thursday, 22 September 2011


Here is Pickles who has managed to find a friend in Bunny Camp although we are not sure what his friend is called.  Pickles is a house bun and is in our dining room area.  He has settled well and is staying for a week.

Peter Rabbit

Yes, we have a Peter Rabbit staying this week and he has been playing out on our smaller patio area and having great fun.  Peter has lost quite a bit of weight since we saw him last and is much more active. 


Here is Terence who is a very lively bun and is always on the go we had quite a job taking his photo.  Terence has a dog as a friend at home and for the first few days he was missing his friend but he has now perked up and is making friends with his neighbour a rabbit called Pebbles.


Little Rusty is back with us this week on her holiday and here she is looking very cute.  She has been having quite a bit of playtime out in the bunny room as at the moment she is the only indoor bun we have staying.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Anyone Need a Draft Excluder

Here is Florence our furry bunny and as you can see she makes an excellent draft excluder.  Flo lives in the house of course as with such a furry coat she would not suit outdoors with all the rain we are experiencing at the moment.

Snooze Time for George

Here is little George taking a nap what a cute boy!

Moo - Cute Butt

Here are a few shots we took earlier of Moo relaxing on our patio area, we thought she looked very cute and what a furry tail she has.

Thursday, 8 September 2011


Rosie has come back to stay with us for a few days and here she is about to tuck into her tea.  She has settled very well and has been out in her run chewing on some apple branches which her owners brought for her.

Monday, 5 September 2011


Mocha rabbit is on his holiday for 2 weeks and this little chap has certainly been through the mill.  His current owner has now given him a loving home temporarily until he is found a permanent forever home.  Little Mocha spent many a night last winter with little or no bedding and indeed had one of those very bad starts in life.  His original owner had little regard for his welfare.  He has now of course temporarily fell on his paws and we hope that we may be able to find him a lovely home with a garden to play as he loves to run around and explore.  Mocha is about 3years old and a lovely chap.  Ideally  he would like to find a female bunny as a companion to live with of course.

Suki Guinea Pig

Suki is with us just for a couple of days and came with a small blanket to sit on but as you can see she thought snuggling underneath it was a better idea and even stayed their to eat her breakfast.


Daisy is staying with us whilst her owners are busy moving house.  She is with us for about 3 weeks so we are hoping during that time she will get to know us and so far she has been very friendly indeed.  Originally she was in our shed but she has now moved out to a bigger hutch with a run attached and she has much more room to play.  To day another female bunny came in to camp so she now has a neighbour to chat to.