Sunday, 31 January 2010

INFORMATION FOR Science Select Users

Blackberry Boarding will now be stocking and supplying Supreme Pet Foods and have just negotiated a very competitive price for the rabbit food. The Aniseed and Fenugreek flavour is very popular with bunnies and it is a nutritionally complete and balanced food. It is high in fibre,19%, contains Linseed, a great source of Omega 3 and 6 promoting healthy skin and coat. There is no added sugar and no artificial colourants. We feed all our 14 bunnies on this food and it "does what it says on the tin" and we would certainly recommend it. It is similar to Burgess Excel and any one who currently feeds their bunny on Excel would find their rabbit would also enjoy the Selective food.

Normal retail price for a 3kg bag is £6.99 and along with other retailers we have managed to secure a 50% discount making it £3.49 for 3kg. We hope to continue this price and we do have some sample bags if you would like to try it first to see if your bunny likes it. Supreme also do a Junior and Mature version of this food and it is always worth considering feeding an elderbun a food more suitable for their digestive system. Again with younger buns who are in their growing stage, a food specially designed for their age is very beneficial.

Please "Do Not Disturb"

Poppy & Naboo have had a pretty chilled out day and here they are relaxing after their tea. Both seem quite happy lounging around and we have noticed that periods of activity seem to coincide with when food arrives. How strange but how typical bunny is that!

Saturday, 30 January 2010

Star Prize to Bigwig

We shall now be presenting and announcing winners of Bunny Camp Star Prize and this week we will be awarding this to Bigwig for managing to get more poos on the kitchen floor than his litter tray. Well done Bigwig! Joking apart, the reason for this is that we have had two of our girl bunnies running and exercising in the kitchen area and of course dear Bigwig has picked up on their scent and decide to mark the floor as his! We dare not let Valentino into the kitchen or he may have pipped Bigwig at the post for the prize.

Big Breakfast House

And here we have Naboo & Poppy enjoying their big breakfast and the challenge is who can eat the most! And the correct answer is POPPY! This morning they had carrot, broccoli, cue, celery and corriander. We think this hit the spot.

Thursday, 28 January 2010

Hey Did Someone Mention Parsley

Naboo very keen to get back to his food tray when he heard Parsley was on the menu for tea!

Naboo & Poppy Relaxing

Both buns are now back on form and have had a good time playing today on our landing area. They have been investigating everything and we had to fence off the stair area as Naboo was quite intrigued as to where this led to. He has now fully recovered from his ordeal recently and is enjoying his food much more. Both rabbits love having lots of fuss and enjoy cuddles.

Bigwig is Back

Bigwig is back for a long weekend, his owners are moving house and so as not to disrupt him, he is having a little weekend break with us. Such a great rabbit and we look forward to seeing him. I just hope he hasn't grown too much, poor Valentino seems to look quite small up to him.

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Loving Couple


Playtime & Poo Time

Naboo is now almost back to his normal self and today he and Poppy were out on the landing area playing which was nice to see. We are hoping to be able to reduce his medicines after today as his poos are pretty much back to normal. I am sure all you would be bunny owners know the importance of poo!


Saturday, 23 January 2010

Monkey Business

Naboo takes some comfort with his toy Monkey.

Naboo is Getting Better

Naboo continues to improve, we are still giving him his medicines which he doesn't enjoy and certainly lets you know but he gets big cuddles and treats to reward him for being good. Today it was like a "new shoes day" but for Naboo a new toy turned up for them. A new grass, hay tunnel which he couldn't resist having a chew on. We gave them a treaty stick bar earlier but unfortunately Poppy got there first and almost demolished it in one go. All in all we are pleased with his progress and quite sure he will soon be back to his normal self.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Naboo is Feeling Better

We mentioned earlier that Naboo had not been very well but this evening he is much brighter and was up for some parsley, kurly kale and celery tops for his tea.


Camomile continues to enjoy herself and is seen here playing with her much loved football in the kitchen. We have given her one of our other rabbits tunnels which also seems to be entertaining her. Camomile goes home tomorrow, she is a lovely rabbit and we shall miss her.

Naboo is Feeling Poorly

We have had a poorly bunny in the camp but he is getting better now but for all you Naboo fans and those of you who would want to wish him well we thought we would let you know how he is doing. Naboo has been through quite a bit lately and become a little stressed and this has resulted in him going off his food and we have been feeding him and giving him some gut motility and gut stimulant drugs to ensure he doesn't get a Gut Stasis. Poor little man was very poorly the day before yesterday but is brighter today and we are confident he will soon be back to his normal self. We will keep you posted on this. Poppy is her normal self and although she is paying him some attention, food is her main love and that must of course come first!

Sunday, 17 January 2010


Camomile is now residing in our hall area and is much happier, she is away from the other bunnies who were getting a bit frantic in any case but she was also getting quite frustrated herself. We let her come through to the kitchen area last night to play and then she decide to relax underneath the radiator. She has a football which she loves to play (hump) and this is quite funny to watch. We thought she might have been a long lost cousin of Valentino but she originally came from a different stud but what a fab girl she is.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Love is in the Air

Naboo and Poppy have a new flatmate. Camomile, our French Lady, arrived yesterday and its certainly put a bee in Naboo's bonnet and he is bouncing around non stop. Poppy is wondering what on earth is going on and what all the fuss is about. We hope in time all bunnies will settle down but at the moment due to Camomile not being neutered its causing a few waves in the camp. She is out of sight but Naboo is picking up her smells and we quite often have this when un-neutered bunnies come to stay.

Generally, under normal circumstances, the two off them are much more settled now and will come running over to us for their food and treats, which is great.

Friday, 15 January 2010


Here is Camomile, a French Lop, who arrived at lunchtime. As you can see in the photos she likes to play football, and spends a lot of her time chasing it around her cage.
Her owner tells us she came from the same place from where we got Valentino. So, who knows, they be related!!!

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Free Range Bunnies

Naboo & Poppy have now full run of the bunny bedroom as the cage they had was getting very little use. They spent most of their time on the area opposite the cage and we were only shutting them in whilst cleaning. I think as they have become more used to us they are happy for us to clean around them, Poppy comes running over thinking its treat time and usually Naboo's inquisitive nature gets the better of him and comes over to investigate what is happening. We think the bunnies are happier with this arrangement.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Naboo & Poppy New Toys

Naboo & Poppy's bunnyparents are now well on their way to South America. However, to make up for this a large box of goodies arrived today for the buns from "The Hay Experts", this includes several toys, a new tunnel and some grass mats which were inspected today. These rabbits are not spoilt of course!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Snuggles with Valentino

Valentino is at last starting to settle down and be happy to have cuddles and not want to rush off and play all the time. Its really nice when he settles down on the sofa for a cuddle and his teeth chatter away, complete bliss.

Naboo & Poppy Relaxing

We couldn't resist this picture and how relaxed they look. We feel we are slowly getting to know them and hopefully they feel more comfortable with us.

New Tray - Naboo & Poppy

Naboo and Poppy have been settling in with us and have been expressing their opinion of the new room and happily pooing wherever they feel like it. We expected a little bit of litter box failure as obviously they are picking up smells of the other bunnies. Today we gave them a new, big litter box and we think this may have solved the problem. Both seem to like it, however, we think they have mistaken it for a new bed!

Saturday, 9 January 2010


We are proud to show you our new indoor boarding facilities which include the largest indoor pens that are available and these are positioned on shelving in order to give all bunnies boarding plenty of room and privacy from other boarders. We do not keep indoor boarders in their pen all the time they all have time out each day playing and exercising. We feel this is very important from a health point of view and also to ensure they do not become bored.


Just a small reminder for our regular clients and any new ones who may be thinking of using Blackberry Boarding. We have already taken some bookings for the Easter and Summer holiday periods and would advise anyone who has holiday plans to book as early as possible. We have limited space and really would not wish for you to be disappointed.

Naboo & Poppy

Both Naboo & Poppy are still doing well and are here tucking into their breakfast. We tend to let them out first thing in the morning and they always look forward to being let out of their cage. Poppy especially a she sits by the door, waiting, although we are not convinced its totally about coming out but more the fact that she knows breakfast will follow shortly. She is a typical female bun and ruled by her stomach and so long as food and the occasionally bit of fuss and attention comes her way she is happy. Little Naboo is quite different and quite a sensitive lad and reminds me very much of a rabbit we once owned, call Owen. Owen would freeze you out, turn his back on you and really make you feel quite uncomfortable if something did not go his way or you raised your voice slightly to him. Naboo is very similar and we are tying to become friends with both bunnies and some bribing is taking place with treats at the moment.


I expect some of you remember our rabbit Dusty who sadly lost her beloved Jasper at the end of October 2009. Since then we have tried unsuccessfully to bond her with a little rabbit called Guinness and on this occasion the friendship has not blossomed. Dusty and Guinness, over the Christmas period been staying with our friends, Darren & Teresa in the hope that on neutral territory the bond would indeed be sealed. As it was not to be Dusty has now come home to us and little Guinness is going to remain with them, being fostered until we can have him back at Watership Down. Its hard keeping individual rabbits and sometimes unfair, especially if they live outdoors. Guinness is having a fantastic time, running around their house and having plenty of attention so we are not worried about him. Dusty is getting used to living in an indoor cage again although she does come out to play and exercise in our kitchen area for a few hours each day. We would ideally like to find her a house home where she could be loved and have the freedom she is used to. Last night it was quite strange when Valentino went to say hello, she even had a boxing match with him, so we just assume that there was only one rabbit for her and he has gone.

Friday, 8 January 2010

A snowy day for Marv and Lucky

Lucky and Marv had a run in the snow today and really seemed to enjoy themselves. In fact, all the rabbits who have been out in the snow have had a great time of it. They don't seem bothered by the cold at all and could go back to their hutch at any time, but decide to stay out and play instead.
They have been coming into the shed at night, where the oil filled radiators at least keep the temperature slightly above freezing, when the outside temp has been down to -11 degrees!!!!
These two are going home on Sunday and we shall be sorry to see them go as they have been a joy to look after.

Tea time for Naboo and Poppy

Here are Naboo and Poppy at tea time today. As you can see they have not lost their appetite, despite being away from home and their owners, Zephie and Dave.
They have spent nearly all day out in the room and have been listening to Radio 4 so as to keep abreast of all the latest news and what is happening outside with the weather. I think they are very pleased to be indoor rabbits at this time of year.
They were allowed out on the landing for a run, but only Poppy really took advantage of this as Naboo is still busy exploring all the corners of the bedroom where they are living.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Naboo & Poppy

Here is the first picture (of many to come we guess) of Naboo and Poppy in their new abode for the next year. Their owners are travelling to South America and the Asia and we have taken on the responsibility of looking after Naboo and Poppy until their return.
As you can see, they seem to have settled in with no fuss, and have spent the afternoon exploring the room and playing with their toys and tunnels.
We are quite sure that the bunnies will be fine with us and we will be taking plenty more photos and posting many more blog updates whilst they are in our care.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Exciting News!!

We were excited to hear this week that two guests will be coming to stay with us for a year, whilst their bunny mom and dad go travelling to South America and Asia. The rabbits names are Naboo (white) and Poppy (sooty fawn) and their home is in Manchester and we were very pleased that their owners chose us to take care of their beloved bunnies for such a long period of time. We will have regular contact with them whilst they are on their travels and we will be posting lots of updates so as to keep them informed. We look forward to hearing all their news from foreign parts over the next 12 months.


The snow looks so lovely and certainly makes it feel very wintry. Its such a shame that panic sets in and everyone tends to worry so much. This or course includes us and only today my trip to Tesco to re-stock on vegetables was a nightmare in itself. The supermarket was totally packed and quite amazingly the whole stock of carrots had been depleted. However, the organic carrots were still available so this week bunnies will be going organic. No celery and even the spring greens were in short supply. We had already been over to the farm this week to buy some kale and other veg so thankfully we are all stocked up. Unfortunately for the UK when we have a slight fall of snow our whole country does seem to come to a halt. Having spent many annual holidays ski-ing in Austria its quite incredible how other countries are so prepared for these weather conditions and I am quite sure that they would find it very amusing how much panic is caused when we have such a small quantity of snow. Since the snow the temperatures have risen. My main concern over the last few days has been the low temperatures and one morning it was -8 degrees. All our outdoor bunnies are in sheds overnight to ensure that they are warm and safe. Its quite amazing how they really don't seem to mind and here are some pics of two of our foster bunnies, Barley and Seymour playing in the snow one frosty morning.

Valentino Festive Spirit

We try to spoil all our bunnies and guests at Christmas and everyone had special treats or toys and of course our boy had to have something special. He managed to persuade us to spend some precious carrot money on a new bed for him and a new teddy. He has quite taken to his Bertie bear however, the bed got wee'd on the first day, I guest he wanted to ensure it was his and no one else might decide to have a snooze in it. We have admit he has been quite good over Christmas providing entertainment for our friends and not wrecking the house too much.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Marv & Lucky

Marv & Lucky are still with us and have become much more friendly towards us since we have got to know them. Its unusual for two boys to get on so well but these are certainly best of friends and love playing together out on our patio area. We have been putting them in our shed at night, even though they are outdoor bunnies due to the very hard frosts we have been experiencing.

Lola & Henry John

I am sure you remember these two bunnies who were staying with us for a number of weeks when Lola was recovering from Headtilt, as you can see, she certainly has no problems now and apart from having to keep Henry John from eating anything, by standing on the food, she never seems to stop still for long. Its so wonderful to see her well and happy after spending many weeks being unable to stand and rolling constantly. Lola and Henry John live with their foster bunnymom and dad in Wotton-u-Edge.

Suzi & Smudge

Whose who! yes we have the same problem sometimes but little Smudge has some long eye lashes which distinguishes him from Suzi. Both are beautiful little agouti rabbits but do not be fooled by Suzi's cuteness she is very quick to remind you who is in charge when you are cleaning her pen and providing her food. You can see from the shredded newspaper Smudge has re arranged this to his liking. Both bunnies have enjoyed time out in our indoor boarding bedroom and when the weather has been warmer outside on our patio area.